Source code for mph.server

"""Provides the wrapper for Comsol server instances."""
__license__ = 'MIT'

# Components                           #
from . import discovery                # back-end discovery

# Dependencies                         #
from subprocess import Popen as start  # background process
from subprocess import PIPE            # I/O redirection
from subprocess import TimeoutExpired  # communication time-out
from re import match as regex          # regular expression
from time import perf_counter as now   # wall-clock time
from time import sleep                 # execution delay
from logging import getLogger          # event logging

# Globals                              #
logger = getLogger(__package__)        # package-wide event logger

# Server                               #
[docs]class Server: """ Manages a Comsol server instance. Instances of this class start and eventually stop Comsol servers running on the local machine. Clients, either running on the same machine or elsewhere on the network, can then connect to the server at the port it exposes for that purpose. Example: ```python import mph server = mph.Server(cores=1) print(f'Server listing on port {server.port}.') server.stop() ``` For this to work, make sure the Comsol server was started at least once from the command line, so that you have had a chance to define a user name and password. For client―server connections across the network, the server's host name or IP address has to be known up front by the client. It has to be either hard-coded or managed otherwise. Though if client and server run on the same machine, it is simply `"localhost"`. (However, *in* that situation, you may be better served — pardon the pun — to simply run a stand-alone client.) The first server starting on a given computer will typically accept client connections on TCP communication port 2036, as per Comsol's default configuration. Servers started subsequently will use port numbers of increasing value. The actual port number of a server instance can be accessed via its `port` attribute after it has started. The number of processor `cores` the server makes use of may be restricted. If no number is given, all cores are used by default. A specific `version` of the Comsol back-end can be specified if several are installed on the machine, for example `version='5.3a'`. Otherwise the latest version is used. A `timeout` can be set for the server to start up. The default is 60 seconds. `TimeoutError` is raisd if the server failed to start within that period. """ def __init__(self, cores=None, version=None, timeout=60): # Start the Comsol server as an external process. backend = discovery.backend(version) command = backend['server']'Starting external server process.') if cores: command += ['-np', str(cores)] noun = 'core' if cores == 1 else 'cores''Server restricted to {cores} processor {noun}.') process = start(command, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) # Wait for it to report the port number. t0 = now() while process.poll() is None: line = process.stdout.readline().decode() match = regex(r'^.*listening on port *(\d+)', line) if match: port = int( break if now() - t0 > timeout: error = 'Sever failed to start within time-out period.' logger.error(error) raise TimeoutError(error)'Server listening on port {port}.') # Save useful information in instance attributes. self.version = backend['name'] self.cores = cores self.port = port self.process = process
[docs] def running(self): """Returns whether the server process is still running.""" return (self.process.poll() is None)
[docs] def stop(self, timeout=10): """Shuts down the server.""" if not self.running(): logger.error(f'Server on port {self.port} has already stopped.') return'Telling the server on port {self.port} to shut down.') try: self.process.communicate(input=b'close', timeout=timeout)'Server on port {self.port} has stopped.') except TimeoutExpired:'Server did not shut down within time-out period.')'Forcefully terminating external server process.') self.process.kill() t0 = now() while self.running(): if not self.running(): break if now() - t0 > timeout: error = 'Forceful shutdown failed within time-out period.' logger.error(error) raise TimeoutError(error) from None sleep(0.1)'Server process has been forcefully terminated.')