
class Client(cores=None, version=None, port=None, host='localhost')[source]

Manages the Comsol client instance.

A client can either be a stand-alone instance or it could connect to a Comsol server instance started independently, possibly on a different machine on the network.


import mph
client = mph.Client(cores=1)
model = client.load('model.mph')

Due to limitations of the Java bridge, provided by the JPype library, only one client can be instantiated at a time. This is because JPype cannot manage more than one Java virtual machine within the same Python session. Separate Python processes would have to be started, or spawned, to work around this limitation. NotImplementedError is therefore raised if another client is already running.

The number of cores (threads) the client instance uses can be restricted by specifying a number. Otherwise all available cores are used.

A specific Comsol version can be selected if several are installed, for example version='5.3a'. Otherwise the latest version is used, and reported via the .version attribute.

Initializes a stand-alone Comsol session if no port number is specified. Otherwise tries to connect to the Comsol server listening at the given port for client connections. The host address defaults to 'localhost', but could be any domain name or IP address.

Internally, the client is a wrapper around the ModelUtil object provided by Comsol’s Java API, which may also be accessed directly via the instance attribute .java.


Returns all models currently held in memory.


Returns the names of all loaded models.


Returns the file-system paths of all loaded models.


Loads a model from the given file and returns it.


Enables or disables caching of previously loaded models.

Caching means that the load() method will check if a model has been previously loaded from the same file-system path and, if so, return the in-memory model object instead of reloading it from disk. By default (at start-up) caching is disabled.

Pass True to enable caching, False to disable it. If no argument is passed, the current state is returned.


Creates a new model and returns it as a Model instance.

An optional name can be supplied. Otherwise the model will retain its automatically generated name, like “Model 1”.


Removes the given model from memory.


Removes all loaded models from memory.


Disconnects the client from the server.