Source code for mph.config

"""Manages configuration options."""
__license__ = 'MIT'

# Dependencies                         #
import configparser                    # configuration files
import os                              # operating system
import platform                        # platform information
from pathlib import Path               # file-system path
from logging import getLogger          # event logging

# Globals                              #
logger = getLogger(__package__)        # event logger

options = {
    'session':  'platform-dependent',
    'caching':  False,
    'classkit': False,
"""Default values for configuration options."""

# Access                               #

[docs]def option(name=None, value=None): """ Sets or returns the value of a configuration option. If called without arguments, returns all configuration options as a dictionary. Returns an option's value if only called with the option's `name`. Otherwise sets the option to the given `value`. """ if name is None: return options if name not in options: error = f'Configuration option "{name}" does not exist.' logger.error(error) raise LookupError(error) if value is None: return options[name] else: options[name] = value
######################################## # Storage # ########################################
[docs]def location(): """ Returns the default location of the configuration file. The folder returned by this function is platform-specific. It is inside the user's `AppData` folder on Windows, inside `.config` in the home directory on Linux, and in `Application Support` on macOS. """ system = platform.system() if system == 'Windows': return Path(os.environ['APPDATA'])/'MPh' elif system == 'Linux': return Path.home()/'.config'/'MPh' elif system == 'Darwin': return Path.home()/'Library'/'Application Support'/'MPh' else: return Path.home()/'MPh'
[docs]def load(file=None): """ Loads the configuration from the given `.ini` file. If `file` is not given, looks for a configuration file named `MPh.ini` in the current directory, or in the folder inside the user profile as returned by `location()`, or in this library's folder, in that order. If no such file is found, the hard-coded default values are used. """ if not file: folders = [Path.cwd(), location(), Path(__file__).parent] for folder in folders: file = folder/'MPh.ini' if file.exists(): break else: logger.debug('Using default configuration.') return logger.debug(f'Loading configuration from "{file}".') parser = configparser.RawConfigParser(interpolation=None) parser.optionxform = str, encoding='UTF-8') section = 'config' if section not in parser.sections(): logger.debug(f'Section [{section}] missing in configuration file.') return for (key, value) in options.items(): if key in parser[section]: if isinstance(value, bool): options[key] = parser.getboolean(section, key) elif isinstance(value, int): options[key] = parser.getint(section, key) elif isinstance(value, float): options[key] = parser.getfloat(section, key) else: options[key] = parser[section][key]
[docs]def save(file=None): """ Saves the configuration in the given `.ini` file. If `file` is not given, saves the configuration in `MPh.ini` inside the default folder returned by `location()`. """ if not file: file = location()/'MPh.ini' else: file = Path(file) parser = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation=None) parser.optionxform = str section = 'config' parser.add_section(section) for (key, value) in options.items(): parser[section][key] = str(value) file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) with'w', encoding='UTF-8') as stream: parser.write(stream)
# Load custom configuration at start-up. load()