"""Provides the wrapper class for a model node."""
# Dependencies #
from numpy import array, ndarray # numerical array
from jpype import JBoolean # Java boolean
from jpype import JInt # Java integer
from jpype import JDouble # Java float
from jpype import JString # Java string
from jpype import JArray # Java array
from jpype import JClass # Java class
from numpy import integer # NumPy integer
from pathlib import Path # file-system path
from re import split # string splitting
from json import load as json_load # JSON parser
from difflib import get_close_matches # fuzzy matching
from functools import lru_cache # function cache
from logging import getLogger # event logging
# Globals #
log = getLogger(__package__) # event log
# Node #
class Node:
Represents a model node.
This class makes it possible to navigate the model tree, inspect a
node, namely its properties, and manipulate it, like toggling it
on/off, creating child nodes, or "running" it.
Instances of this class reference a node in the model tree and work
similarly to [`Path`](#pathlib.Path) objects from Python's standard
library. They support string concatenation to the right with the
division operator in order to reference child nodes:
>>> node = model/'functions'
>>> node
>>> node/'step'
Note how the [`model`](#Model) object also supports the division
operator in order to generate node references. As mere references,
nodes must must not necessarily exist in the model tree:
>>> (node/'new function').exists()
In interactive sessions, the convenience function
[`mph.tree()`](#tree) may prove useful to see the node's branch in
the model tree at a glance:
>>> mph.tree(model/'physics')
├─ electrostatic
│ ├─ Laplace equation
│ ├─ zero charge
│ ├─ initial values
│ ├─ anode
│ └─ cathode
└─ electric currents
├─ current conservation
├─ insulation
├─ initial values
├─ anode
└─ cathode
In rare cases, the node name itself might contain a forward slash,
such as the dataset `sweep/solution` that happens to exist in the
demo model from the [Tutorial](/tutorial.md). These literal forward
slashes can be escaped by doubling the character:
>>> node = model/'datasets/sweep//solution'
>>> node.name()
>>> node.parent()
If the node refers to an existing model feature, then the instance
wraps the corresponding Java object, which could belong to a variety
of classes, but would necessarily implement the
[`com.comsol.model.ModelEntity`][1] interface. That Java object
can be accessed directly via the `.java` property. The full Comsol
functionality is thus available if needed. The convenience function
[`mph.inspect()`](#inspect) is provided for introspection of the
Java object in an interactive session.
[1]: https://doc.comsol.com/6.0/doc/com.comsol.help.comsol/api\
# Internal #
def __init__(self, model, path=None):
if path is None:
path = ('',)
elif isinstance(path, str):
path = parse(path)
elif isinstance(path, Node):
path = path.path
error = f'Node path {path!r} is not a string or Node instance.'
raise TypeError(error)
self.model = model
"""Model object this node refers to."""
self.groups = {
'parameters': 'self.model.java.param().group()',
'functions': 'self.model.java.func()',
'components': 'self.model.java.component()',
'geometries': 'self.model.java.geom()',
'views': 'self.model.java.view()',
'selections': 'self.model.java.selection()',
'coordinates': 'self.model.java.coordSystem()',
'variables': 'self.model.java.variable()',
'couplings': 'self.model.java.cpl()',
'physics': 'self.model.java.physics()',
'multiphysics': 'self.model.java.multiphysics()',
'materials': 'self.model.java.material()',
'meshes': 'self.model.java.mesh()',
'studies': 'self.model.java.study()',
'solutions': 'self.model.java.sol()',
'batches': 'self.model.java.batch()',
'datasets': 'self.model.java.result().dataset()',
'evaluations': 'self.model.java.result().numerical()',
'tables': 'self.model.java.result().table()',
'plots': 'self.model.java.result()',
'exports': 'self.model.java.result().export()',
"""Mapping of the built-in groups to corresponding Java objects."""
self.alias = {
'parameter': 'parameters',
'function': 'functions',
'component': 'components',
'geometry': 'geometries',
'view': 'views',
'selection': 'selections',
'variable': 'variables',
'coupling': 'couplings',
'material': 'materials',
'mesh': 'meshes',
'study': 'studies',
'solution': 'solutions',
'batch': 'batches',
'dataset': 'datasets',
'evaluation': 'evaluations',
'table': 'tables',
'plot': 'plots',
'result': 'plots',
'results': 'plots',
'export': 'exports',
"""Accepted aliases for the names of built-in groups."""
if path[0] in self.alias:
path = (self.alias[path[0]],) + path[1:]
self.path = path
"""Path of this node reference from the model's root."""
def __str__(self):
return join(self.path)
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}('{self}')"
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.path == other.path and self.model == other.model)
def __truediv__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, str):
other = other.lstrip('/')
return self.__class__(self.model, join(parse(f'{self}/{other}')))
return NotImplemented
def __contains__(self, node):
if isinstance(node, str):
if (self/node).exists():
return True
elif isinstance(node, Node):
if node.parent() == self and node.exists():
return True
return False
def __iter__(self):
yield from self.children()
def java(self):
Java object this node maps to, if any.
Note that this is a property, not an attribute. Internally,
it is a function that performs a top-down search of the model
tree in order to resolve the node reference. So it introduces
a certain overhead every time it is accessed.
if self.is_root():
return self.model.java
name = self.name()
if self.is_group():
if name in self.groups:
return eval(self.groups[name])
return None
parent = self.parent()
java = parent.java
if not java:
return None
if parent.is_group():
container = java
elif hasattr(java, 'propertyGroup'):
container = java.propertyGroup()
container = java.feature()
for tag in container.tags():
member = container.get(tag)
if name == escape(member.label()):
return member
def java_if_exists(self):
# Returns `self.java` if the node exists, raises an error otherwise.
# This helper function was introduced to reduce code repetition
# in the methods that follow. We should probably just straight up
# raise the error when `self.java` is accessed. However, that
# might break user code, so can only be done in a major release.
java = self.java
if not java:
error = f'Node "{self}" does not exist in model tree.'
raise LookupError(error)
return java
# Navigation #
def name(self):
"""Returns the node's name."""
return f'{self.model}' if self.is_root() else escape(self.path[-1])
def tag(self):
"""Returns the node's tag."""
java = self.java
return str(java.tag()) if java else None
def type(self):
Returns the node's feature type.
This a something like `'Block'` for "a right-angled solid or
surface block in 3D". Refer to the Comsol documentation for
details. Feature types are displayed in the Comsol GUI at the
top of the `Settings` tab.
java = self.java
return str(java.getType()) if hasattr(java, 'getType') else None
def parent(self):
"""Returns the parent node."""
if self.is_root():
return None
return self.__class__(self.model, join(self.path[:-1]))
def children(self):
"""Returns all child nodes."""
java = self.java
if self.is_root():
return [self.__class__(self.model, group) for group in self.groups]
elif self.is_group():
return [self/escape(java.get(tag).label()) for tag in java.tags()]
elif hasattr(java, 'propertyGroup'):
return [self/escape(java.propertyGroup(tag).label())
for tag in java.propertyGroup().tags()]
elif hasattr(java, 'feature'):
return [self/escape(java.feature(tag).label())
for tag in java.feature().tags()]
return []
def is_root(self):
"""Checks if the node is the model's root node."""
return bool(len(self.path) == 1 and not self.path[0])
def is_group(self):
"""Checks if the node refers to a built-in group."""
return bool(len(self.path) == 1 and self.path[0])
def exists(self):
"""Checks if the node exists in the model tree."""
return (self.java is not None)
# Inspection #
def problems(self):
Returns problems reported by the node and its descendants.
The problems are returned as a list of dictionaries, each with
an entry for `'message'` (the warning or error message),
`'category'` (either `'warning'` or `'error'`), `'node'` (either
this one or a node beneath it in the model tree), and
`'selection'` (an empty string if not applicable).
Calling this method on the root node returns all warnings and
errors in geometry, mesh, and solver sequences.
java = self.java
stack = []
if hasattr(java, 'problem'):
for tag in java.problem().tags():
items = []
while stack:
problem = stack.pop()
item = {
'message': '',
'category': '',
'node': self,
'selection': '',
if hasattr(problem, 'message'):
item['message'] = str(problem.message()).strip()
elif problem.hasProperty('message'):
item['message'] = str(problem.getString('message')).strip()
if 'error' in str(problem.getType()).lower():
item['category'] = 'error'
elif 'warning' in str(problem.getType()).lower():
item['category'] = 'warning'
if hasattr(problem, 'hasSelection') and problem.hasSelection():
item['selection'] = str(problem.selection())
if hasattr(problem, 'problem'):
for tag in problem.problem().tags():
for child in self.children():
items += child.problems()
return items
# Interaction #
def rename(self, name):
"""Renames the node."""
if self.is_root():
error = 'Cannot rename the root node.'
raise PermissionError(error)
if self.is_group():
error = 'Cannot rename a built-in group.'
raise PermissionError(error)
java = self.java
if java:
self.path = self.path[:-1] + (name,)
def retag(self, tag):
"""Assigns a new tag to the node."""
if self.is_root():
error = 'Cannot change tag of root node.'
raise PermissionError(error)
if self.is_group():
error = 'Cannot change tag of built-in group.'
raise PermissionError(error)
java = self.java_if_exists()
def property(self, name, value=None):
Returns or changes the value of the named property.
If no `value` is given, returns the value of property `name`.
Otherwise sets the property to the given value.
java = self.java_if_exists()
if value is None:
return get(java, name)
java.set(name, cast(value))
def properties(self):
Returns names and values of all node properties as a dictionary.
In the Comsol GUI, properties are displayed in the Settings tab
of the model node (not to be confused with the Properties tab).
java = self.java_if_exists()
if not hasattr(java, 'properties'):
return {}
names = sorted(str(name) for name in java.properties())
return {name: get(java, name) for name in names}
def select(self, entity):
Assigns `entity` as the node's selection.
`entity` can either be another node representing a selection
feature, in which case a "named" selection is created. Or it
can be a list/array of integers denoting domain, boundary,
edge, or point numbers (depending on which of those the selection
requires), producing a "manual" selection. It may also be `'all'`
to select everything or `None` to clear the selection.
Raises `NotImplementedError` if the node (that this method is
called on) is a geometry node. These may be supported in a
future release. Meanwhile, access their Java methods directly.
Raises `TypeError` if the node does not have a selection and
is not itself an "explicit" selection.
java = self.java_if_exists()
if isinstance(java, JClass('com.comsol.model.GeomFeature')):
error = "Use the Java layer to change a geometry node's selection."
raise NotImplementedError(error)
java = java.selection()
except Exception:
if any(not hasattr(java, attr) for attr in ('set', 'all')):
error = f'Node "{self}" has no and is no (explicit) selection.'
raise TypeError(error) from None
if isinstance(entity, Node):
if not hasattr(java, 'named'):
error = f'Node "{self}" does not support named selections.'
raise TypeError(error)
node = entity
if not node.exists():
error = f'Assigned node "{node}" does not exist.'
raise LookupError(error)
elif isinstance(entity, (list, ndarray)):
java.set(cast(entity) if len(entity) else None)
elif isinstance(entity, (int, integer)):
elif entity == 'all':
elif entity is None:
error = "Entity must be a node, 'all', or an array of integers."
raise ValueError(error)
def selection(self):
Returns the entity or entities the node has selected.
If it is a "named" selection, the corresponding selection node
is returned. If it is a "manual" selection, an array of domain,
boundary, edge, or point numbers is returned (depending on
which of those the selection holds). `None` is returned if
nothing is selected.
Raises `NotImplementedError` if the node is a geometry node.
These may be supported in a future release. Meanwhile, access
their Java methods directly. Raises `TypeError` if the node
does not have a selection and is not itself a selection.
java = self.java_if_exists()
if isinstance(java, JClass('com.comsol.model.GeomFeature')):
error = "Use the Java layer to query a geometry node's selection."
raise NotImplementedError(error)
java = java.selection()
except Exception:
if not hasattr(java, 'entities'):
error = f'Node "{self}" has no and is no selection.'
raise TypeError(error) from None
tag = str(java.named()) if hasattr(java, 'named') else None
if tag:
for node in self.model/'selections':
if tag == node.tag():
error = f'Found no selection with reported tag "{tag}".'
raise LookupError(error)
return node
entities = java.entities()
return array(entities) if entities else None
def toggle(self, action='flip'):
Enables or disables the node.
If `action` is `'flip'` (the default), it enables the feature
in the model tree if it is currently disabled or disables it
if enabled. Pass `'enable'` or `'on'` to enable the feature
regardless of its current state. Pass `'disable'` or `'off'`
to disable it.
java = self.java_if_exists()
if action == 'flip':
java.active(not java.isActive())
elif action in ('enable', 'on', 'activate'):
elif action in ('disable', 'off', 'deactivate'):
def run(self):
"""Performs the "run" action if the node implements it."""
java = self.java_if_exists()
if not hasattr(java, 'run'):
error = f'Node "{self}" does not implement "run" operation.'
raise RuntimeError(error)
def import_(self, file):
Imports external data from the given `file`.
Note the trailing underscore in the method name. It is needed
so that the Python parser does not treat the name as an
`import` statement.
file = Path(file)
if not file.exists():
error = f'File "{file}" does not exist.'
raise IOError(error)
log.info(f'Loading external data from file "{file.name}".')
self.property('filename', f'{file}')
log.info('Finished loading external data.')
def create(self, *arguments, name=None):
Creates a new child node and returns that node instance.
Refer to the Comsol documentation for the values of valid
`arguments`. It is often just the feature type of the child
node to be created, given as a string such as `'Block'`, but
may also require different or more arguments.
If `name` is not given, a unique name/label will be assigned
if self.is_root():
error = 'Cannot create nodes at root of model tree.'
raise PermissionError(error)
java = self.java
container = None
if self.is_group():
if not hasattr(java, 'uniquetag') and hasattr(java, 'feature'):
container = java.feature()
elif hasattr(java, 'uniquetag') and hasattr(java, 'create'):
container = java
elif hasattr(java, 'propertyGroup'):
container = java.propertyGroup()
elif hasattr(java, 'feature'):
container = java.feature()
if not hasattr(container, 'uniquetag'):
error = f'Node {self} does not support feature creation.'
raise RuntimeError(error)
for argument in arguments:
if isinstance(argument, str):
type = argument
type = '?'
pattern = tag_pattern(feature_path(self) + [type])
if pattern.endswith('*'):
tag = container.uniquetag(pattern[:-1])
elif pattern in container.tags():
tag = container.uniquetag(pattern)
tag = pattern
if not arguments:
container.create(tag, *[cast(argument) for argument in arguments])
if name:
name = escape(container.get(tag).label())
child = self/name
check = tag_pattern(feature_path(child))
if pattern != check:
pattern = check
if pattern.endswith('*'):
tag = container.uniquetag(pattern[:-1])
elif pattern in container.tags():
tag = container.uniquetag(pattern)
tag = pattern
log.debug(f'Retagging "{child}": "{child.tag()}" → "{tag}".')
return child
def remove(self):
"""Removes the node from the model tree."""
if self.is_root():
error = 'Cannot remove the root node.'
raise PermissionError(error)
if self.is_group():
error = 'Cannot remove a built-in group.'
raise PermissionError(error)
if not self.exists():
error = f'Node "{self}" does not exist in model tree.'
raise LookupError(error)
parent = self.parent()
java = parent.java
if parent.is_group():
container = java
elif hasattr(java, 'propertyGroup'):
container = java.propertyGroup()
container = java.feature()
# Name parsing #
def parse(string):
"""Parses a node path given as string to a tuple."""
# Force-cast str subclasses to str, just like `pathlib` does.
# See bugs.python.org/issue21127 for the rationale.
string = str(string)
# Remove all leading and trailing forward slashes.
string = string.lstrip('/').rstrip('/')
# Split at forward slashes, but not double forward slashes.
path = tuple(unescape(name) for name in split(r'(?<!/)/(?!/)', string))
return path
def join(path):
"""Joins a node path given as tuple into a string."""
return '/'.join(escape(name) for name in path)
def escape(name):
"""Escapes forward slashes in a node name."""
# Also accept Java strings, but always return Python string.
name = str(name)
return name.replace('/', '//')
def unescape(name):
"""Reverses escaping of forward slashes in a node name."""
return name.replace('//', '/')
# Tag patterns #
def load_patterns():
"""Loads the look-up table for tag patterns indexed by feature path."""
file = Path(__file__).parent/'tags.json'
with file.open(encoding='UTF-8-sig') as stream:
patterns = json_load(stream)
return patterns
def feature_path(node):
"""Returns the feature path of a node."""
if node.is_group():
return [node.name()]
type = node.type()
if not type:
type = '?'
return feature_path(node.parent()) + [type]
def tag_pattern(feature_path):
"""Looks up the tag pattern for the best match to given feature path."""
(group, type) = (feature_path[0], feature_path[-1])
patterns = load_patterns()
selected = [key for key in patterns
if key.startswith(group) and key.endswith(type)]
matches = get_close_matches(' → '.join(feature_path), selected)
if matches:
return patterns[matches[0]]
elif type != '?':
return type.lower()[:3] + '*'
return 'tag*'
# Type casting #
def cast(value):
"""Casts a value from its Python data type to a suitable Java data type."""
if isinstance(value, Node):
return JString(value.tag())
elif value is None:
return value
elif isinstance(value, bool):
return JBoolean(value)
elif isinstance(value, int):
return JInt(value)
elif isinstance(value, integer):
return JInt(int(value))
elif isinstance(value, float):
return JDouble(value)
elif isinstance(value, str):
return JString(value)
elif isinstance(value, Path):
return JString(str(value))
elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
dimension = 0
item = value
while isinstance(item, (list, tuple)):
dimension += 1
if not len(item):
datatype = JString
value = []
item = item[0]
datatype = cast(item).__class__
value = [cast(item) for item in value]
return JArray(datatype, dimension)(value)
elif isinstance(value, ndarray):
if value.dtype.kind == 'b':
return JArray(JBoolean, value.ndim)(value)
elif value.dtype.kind == 'f':
return JArray(JDouble, value.ndim)(value)
elif value.dtype.kind == 'i':
return JArray(JInt, value.ndim)(value)
elif value.dtype.kind == 'O':
if value.ndim > 2:
error = 'Cannot cast object arrays of dimension higher than 2.'
raise TypeError(error)
if len(value) > 2:
error = 'Will not cast object arrays with more than two rows.'
raise TypeError(error)
rows = [row.astype(float) for row in value]
return JArray(JDouble, 2)(rows)
error = f'Cannot cast arrays of data type "{value.dtype}".'
raise TypeError(error)
error = f'Cannot cast values of data type "{type(value).__name__}".'
raise TypeError(error)
def get(java, name):
"""Returns the value of a Java node property as a Python data type."""
datatype = java.getValueType(name)
if datatype == 'Boolean':
return java.getBoolean(name)
elif datatype == 'BooleanArray':
return array(java.getBooleanArray(name))
elif datatype == 'BooleanMatrix':
return array([line for line in java.getBooleanMatrix(name)])
elif datatype == 'Double':
return java.getDouble(name)
elif datatype == 'DoubleArray':
return array(java.getDoubleArray(name))
elif datatype == 'DoubleMatrix':
return array([line for line in java.getDoubleMatrix(name)])
elif datatype == 'DoubleRowMatrix':
value = java.getDoubleMatrix(name)
if len(value) == 0:
rows = []
elif len(value) == 1:
rows = [array(value[0])]
elif len(value) == 2:
rows = [array(value[0]), array(value[1])]
error = 'Cannot convert double-row matrix with more than two rows.'
raise TypeError(error)
return array(rows, dtype=object)
elif datatype == 'File':
return Path(str(java.getString(name)))
elif datatype == 'Int':
return int(java.getInt(name))
elif datatype == 'IntArray':
return array(java.getIntArray(name))
elif datatype == 'IntMatrix':
return array([line for line in java.getIntMatrix(name)])
elif datatype == 'None':
return None
elif datatype == 'Selection':
return [str(string) for string in java.getEntryKeys(name)]
elif datatype == 'String':
value = java.getString(name)
return str(value) if value else None
elif datatype == 'StringArray':
return [str(string) for string in java.getStringArray(name)]
elif datatype == 'StringMatrix':
value = java.getStringMatrix(name)
if value:
return [[str(string) for string in line] for line in value]
return [[]]
error = f'Cannot convert Java data type "{datatype}".'
raise TypeError(error)
# Inspection #
def tree(node, max_depth=None):
Displays the model tree.
This is a convenience function to visualize, in an interactive
Python session, the branch of the model tree underneath a given
[`node`](#Node). It produces console output such as this:
>>> mph.tree(model/'physics')
├─ electrostatic
│ ├─ Laplace equation
│ ├─ zero charge
│ ├─ initial values
│ ├─ anode
│ └─ cathode
└─ electric currents
├─ current conservation
├─ insulation
├─ initial values
├─ anode
└─ cathode
Specify `max_depth` to possibly limit the number of lower branches.
Often the node would refer to the model's root in order to inspect
the entire model tree. A [`Model`](#Model) object is therefore also
accepted as a value for `node`.
Note that this function performs poorly in client–server mode, the
default on Linux and macOS, especially for complex models. The
client–server communication introduces inefficiencies that do not
occur in stand-alone mode, the default on Windows, where the model
tree, i.e. the hierarchy of related Java objects, can be traversed
reasonably fast.
def traverse(node, levels, max_depth):
if max_depth and len(levels) > max_depth:
markers = ''.join(' ' if last else '│ ' for last in levels[:-1])
markers += '' if not levels else '└─ ' if levels[-1] else '├─ '
children = node.children()
last = len(children) - 1
for (index, child) in enumerate(children):
traverse(child, levels + [index == last], max_depth)
if not isinstance(node, Node):
# Assume node is actually a model object and traverse from root.
node = node/None
return traverse(node, [], max_depth)
def inspect(java):
Inspects a Java node object.
This is a convenience function to facilitate exploring Comsol's
Java API in an interactive Python session. It expects a Java
node object, such as the one returned by the `.java` property
of an existing node reference, which would implement the
[`com.comsol.model.ModelEntity`][1] interface.
Like any object, it could also be inspected with Python's built-in
`dir` command. This function here outputs a "pretty-fied" version
of that. It displays (prints to the console) the methods implemented
by the Java node as well as its properties, if any are defined.
>>> mph.inspect((model/'studies').java)
name: StudyList
tag: study
display: StudyList
doc: StudyList
The node's name, tag, and documentation reference marker are
listed first. These access methods and a few others, which are
common to all objects, are suppressed in the method list further
down, for the sake of clarity.
[1]: https://doc.comsol.com/6.0/doc/com.comsol.help.comsol/api\
# Also accept Node and Model instances.
if hasattr(java, 'java'):
java = java.java
# Display general information about the feature.
print(f'name: {java.label()}')
print(f'tag: {java.tag()}')
if hasattr(java, 'getType'):
print(f'type: {java.getType()}')
print(f'display: {java.getDisplayString()}')
print(f'doc: {java.docMarker()}')
# Display comments and notify if feature is deactivated or has warnings.
comments = str(java.comments())
if comments:
print(f'comment: {comments}')
if not java.isActive():
print('This feature is currently deactivated.')
# Introspect the feature's attributes.
attributes = [attribute for attribute in dir(java)]
# Display properties if any are defined.
if 'properties' in attributes:
names = [str(name) for name in java.properties()]
for name in names:
value = get(java, name)
except Exception as error:
value = f'<{error}>'
print(f' {name}: {value}')
# Define a list of common methods to be suppressed in the output.
suppress = ['name', 'label', 'tag', 'getType', 'getDisplayString',
'docMarker', 'help', 'comments', 'toString', 'icon',
'properties', 'hasProperty', 'set',
'getEntryKeys', 'getEntryKeyIndex', 'getValueType',
'getInt', 'getIntArray', 'getIntMatrix',
'getBoolean', 'getBooleanArray', 'getBooleanMatrix',
'getDouble', 'getDoubleArray', 'getDoubleMatrix',
'getString', 'getStringArray', 'getStringMatrix',
'version', 'author', 'resetAuthor', 'lastModifiedBy',
'dateCreated', 'dateModified', 'timeCreated', 'timeModified',
'active', 'isActive', 'isactive',
'class_', 'getClass', 'hashCode',
'notify', 'notifyAll', 'wait']
# Display the feature's methods.
for name in attributes:
if name.startswith('_') or name in suppress:
print(f' {name}')